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1.       Liao X.B., Shen L.L, Jiang Z.B., Qiu Y., Qi H.*, Chen C.*, Li F., Yuan B.L. NDMA formation during ozonation of metformin: Roles of ozone and hydroxyl radicals. Science of The Total Environment. 2021, 796(3):149010

2.       Li X., Bei E., Qiu Y., Xiao H., Wang J., Lin P.F., Zhang X.J., Chen C*. Intake of Volatile Nitrosamines by Chinese Residents in Different Provinces via Food and Drinking Water. Science of the Total Environment. 2021, 754: 142121.

3.       Qiu Y., Bei E., Li X., Xie S.G., Xiao H., Luo Y.H., Wang Y., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Chen C.* Quantitative analysis of source and fate of N-nitrosamines and their precursors in an urban water system in East China. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 415, 125700.

4.       Zhang, J.X.#, Maqbool, T.#, Qiu, Y.#, Qin Y.L., Asif M. B., Chen, C., Zhang, Z.H.* Determining the leading sources of N-nitrosamines and dissolved organic matter in four reservoirs in Southern China. Science of the Total Environment. 2021, 771: 145409.

5.       Chen C., Hayward K., Khan S.J., Ormeci B., Pillay S., Rose J.B, Thanikal J.V., Zhang T. Role of wastewater treatment in COVID-19 control. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada. 2021,

6.       Zhang H.Y., Zhao L.T., Liu D.B., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Chen C.* Early period corrosion and scaling characteristics of ductile iron pipe for ground water supply with sodium hypochlorite disinfection. Water Research, 2020, 176: 115742.

7.       Bei E., Li X., Wu F.H, Li S.X., He X.S., Wang Y.F., Qiu Y., Wang Y., Wang C.K., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Chen C.* Formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine precursors through the microbiological metabolism of nitrogenous substrates in water. Water Research, 2020, 183: 116055.

8.       Luo Q.#, Bei E.#, Liu C., Deng Y.L., Miao Y., Qiu Y., Lu W.Q., Chen C.*, Zeng Q*. Spatial, temporal variability and carcinogenic health risk assessment of nitrosamines in a drinking water system in China. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 736: 139695

9.       Shi L., Hu Z.H., Wang Y., Bei E., Lens P.N.L., Thomas O., Hu Y.S., Chen C., Zhan X.M. In situ electrochemical oxidation in electrodialysis for antibiotics removal during nutrient recovery from pig manure digestate. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 127485.

10.    Qiu Y., Bei E., Wang Y.F., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Chen C.* One representative water supply system in China with nitrosamine concern: Challenges and treatment strategies. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2020, 88: 12-20.

11.    Lu ZD, Sun W.J., Li C., Cao W.F., Jing Z.B., Li S.M., Ao X.W., Chen C., Liu S.M. Effect of granular activated carbon pore-size distribution on biological activated carbon filter performance. Water Research. 2020, 177: 115768.

12.    Qiu Y., Bei E., Li S.X., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Chen C.*, Xie S.G., Krasner S.W. Contributions of volatilization, photolysis, and biodegradation to N-nitrosodimethylamine removal in conventional drinking water treatment plants. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 697, 133993.

13.    Liao, X. B.; Zhao, L.; Shen, L. L.; Chen, M. Y.; Chen, C.; Li, F.; Yuan, B. L.; Zhang, X. J. Effect of pre-ozonation on N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) formation from four drinking-water sources during subsequent chloramination. Water Science and Technology-Water Supply. 2019, 19, 6:1816-1822.

14.    Liao X.B., Cheng Y.S., Liu Z.H., Shen L.L., Zhao L., Chen C., Li F., Zhang X.J. Performance of BAC for DBPs precursors' removal for one year with micro-polluted lake water in East-China. Environmental Technology. 2019. 41,27: 3554-3561.

15.    Bei E., Wu X.M., Qiu Y., Chen C.*, Zhang X.J. A tale of two water supplies in China: finding practical solutions to urban and rural water supply problems. Accounts of Chemical Research. 2019. 52, 4: 867-875. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.accounts.8b00605

16.    Zhang H.Y., Tian Y.M., Kang M.X., Chen C., Song Y.R., Li. H. Effects of chlorination/chlorine dioxide disinfection on biofilm bacterial community and corrosion process in a reclaimed water distribution system. Chemosphere, 2019, 215, 62-73.

17.    Wang Y.X., Liu C., Sun Y., Huang L.L., Li J., Ai S.H., Huang Z., Sun L., Wan Z.Z., Lu W.Q., Chen Y.J., Chen C., Pan A., Duan P., Wang Q., Chen C., Meng T.Q., Wang L. Profiles, variability and predictors of concentrations of blood trihalomethanes and urinary haloacetic acids along pregnancy among 1760 Chinese women. Environmental Research. 2019, 172: 665-674.

18.    Chen, J.F; Li, N.N; Xie, S,G.; 等. Biofilm and planktonic bacterial communities in a drinking water distribution system supplied with untreated groundwater. Archives of Microbiology. 2018, 200, 9: 1323-1331.

19.    Li S.X., Shu Y.Y., Tang X., Lin P.F., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Chen C*. Reaction patterns of NDMA precursors during the sequential chlorination process of short-term free chlorination and monochloramination. Separation and Purification Technology. 2018, 204: 196–204.

20.    Liao, Xiaobin; Zou, Rusen; Chen, Chao; 等.Evaluating the biosafety of conventional and O3-BAC process and its relationship with NOM characteristics. Environmental Technology. 2018, 39, 2: 221-230.

21.    Li S.X., Zhang X.L., Bei E., Yue H.H., Lin P.F., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Chen C.*. Capability of cation exchange technology to remove proven N-nitrosodimethylamine precursors. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2017. 58, 331-339. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2017.04.007

22.    Liao X.B., Chen C.*, Yuan B.L.*, Wang J., Zhang X.J. Control of Nitrosamines, THMs, and HAAs in Heavily Impacted Water With O3-BAC. Journal of American Water Works Association. 2017, 109, 6: E3-13. https://doi.org/10.5942/jawwa.2017.109.0057

23.    Fu H., Li X.B., Wang J., Lin P.F., Chen C.*, Zhang X.J., Suffet I.H.M. Activated carbon adsorption of quinolone antibiotics in water: Performance, mechanism, and modeling. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2017, 56: 145-152.

24.    Yao W.K., Qu Q.Y., von Gunten U., Chen C., Yu G., Wang Y.J. Comparison of methylisoborneol and geosmin abatement in surface water by conventional ozonation and an electro-peroxone process. Water Research. 2017, 108: 373-382.

25.    Bei E., Liao X.B., Meng X.T., Li S.X., Wang J., Sheng D.Y., Chao M., Chen Z.H., Zhang X.J., Chen C.*. Identification of nitrosamine precursors from urban drainage during storm events: A case study in southern China. Chemosphere. 2016, 160, 323-331.

26.    Liao, XB; Zou, RS; Chen, C; Yuan, BL; Zhou, ZM; Ma, HF; Zhang, XJ. Biomass development in GAC columns receiving influents with different levels of nutrients. Water Science and Technology-Water Supply. 2016. 16, 4: 1024-1032. DOI: 10.2166/ws.2016.016

27.    Bei E., Shu Y.Y., Li S.X., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Chen C*., Krasner S.W. Occurrence of nitrosamines and their precursors in drinking water systems around mainland China. Water Research. 2016, 98: 168-175.

28.    Mi Z.L., Zhang X.J., Chen C.* Iron release in drinking water distribution systems by feeding desalinated seawater: characteristics and control. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2016, 57: 9728–9735. DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2015.1031706

29.    Ding H., Li X., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Chen C.* Adsorption of chlorophenols from aqueous solutions by pristine and surface functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2016, 43: 187-198. 封面文章,获得JES 2019 Outstanding Publication Award

30.    Li X., Lin P.F., Wang J., Liu Y.Y., Li Y., Zhang X.J., Chen C.*. Treatment technologies and mechanisms for three odorants at trace level: IPMP, IBMP, and TCA. Environmental Technology. 2016, 37, 3: 308–315, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09593330.2015.1069405

31.    Ding H., Chen C*., Zhang X. Linear solvation energy relationship for the adsorption of synthetic organic compounds on single-walled carbon nanotubes in water. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research. 2016, 27, 1: 31-45.

32.    Ding H., Shen X., Chen C.*, Zhang X.J. Molecular dynamics simulations of simple aromatic compounds adsorption on single-walled carbon nanotubes. RSC Advances, 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C6RA12644H

33.    Liao X.B., Bei E., Li S.X., Ouyang Y.Y., Wang J., Chen C.*, Zhang X.J., Krasner S.W. and Suffet M. Applying the Polarity Rapid Assessment Method to Characterize Nitrosamine Precursors and to Understand Their Removal by Drinking Water Treatment Processes. Water Research. 2015, 87: 292-298

34.    Wang C.K., Liu S.M., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Chen C*. Monthly survey of N-nitrosamines yield in a conventional water treatment plant in North China. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2015, 38: 142-149. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2015.05.025.

35.    Mi Z.L., Dai Y., Xie S.G., Chen C., Zhang X.J. Impact of disinfection on drinking water biofilm bacterial community. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2015, 37: 200-205.

36.    Liao X.B., Chen C.*, Xie S.G., Hanigan D., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Westerhoff P., Krasner S.W. Nitrosamine Precursor Removal by BAC: Adsorption versus Biotreatment Case Study. Journal of American Water Works Association. 2015, 107, 9: E454-463. DOI: 10.5942/jawwa.2015.107.0123

37.    Li X., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Chen C.*, Xie Y.F., Suffet I.H.M. Powdered activated carbon adsorption of two fishy odorants in water: trans,trans-2,4-heptadienal and trans,trans-2,4-decadienal. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2015, 32, 15-25. DOI:10.1016/j.jes.2015.01.001.

38.    Liao X.B.#, Chen C.#, Wang Z., Chang C.H., Zhang X.J., Xie S.G.* Bacterial community change through drinking water treatment processes. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 2015, 12, 6:1867-1874. DOI: 10.1007/s13762-014-0540-0

39.    Wu H.T., Zhang J.X., Mi Z.L., Xie S.G.*, Chen C.*, Zhang X.J. Biofilm bacterial communities in urban drinking water distribution systems transporting waters with different purification strategies. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2015. 99, 4: 1947-1955

40.    Lin P.F., Zhang Y., Zhang X.J., Chen C.*, Xie Y.F., Suffet I.H.M. Applying chemical sedimentation process in drinking water treatment plant to address the emergent arsenic spills in water sources. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering. 2015. 9(1):50-57.

41.    Lin P.F., Zhang Y., Zhang X.J., Chen C.*, Xie Y.F., Suffet I.H.M. The influence of chlorinated aromatics' structure on their adsorption characteristics on activated carbon to tackle chemical spills in drinking water source. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2015, 9(1): 138–146.

42.    Li X., Wang J., Liu Y.Y., Shi J., Zhang X.J., Chen C.* Odorant screening and possible origin analysis of odor episodes in one reservoir in northern China. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology—AQUA. 2015, 64, 7: 847-856.

43.    Lin P.F., Zhang X.J., Wang J., Zeng Y.N., Liu S.M., Chen C.* Comparison of different combined treatment processes to address the source water with high concentration of natural organic matter during snowmelt period. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2015. 27: 51-58.

44.    Liao X.B.#, Chen C.#, Zhang J.X., Dai Y., Zhang X.J, Xie S.G.* Dimethylamine biodegradation by mixed culture enriched from drinking water biofilter. Chemosphere. 2015, 119: 935–940

45.    Liao X.B.#, Chen C.#, Zhang J.X., Dai Y., Zhang X.J, Xie S.G.* Operational performance, biomass and microbial community structure: impacts of backwashing on drinking water biofilter. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 2015, 22:546–554. DOI 10.1007/s11356-014-3393-7

46.    Liu S.M.*, Che H., Smith K., Chen C. A method of detecting contamination events using multiple conventional water quality sensors. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2015; 187(1):4189

47.    Wu H.T., Mi Z.L., Zhang J.X., Chen C.*, Xie S.G.* Bacterial Communities Associated with An Occurrence of Colored Water in An Urban Drinking Water Distribution System. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences. 2014, 27(8): 646-650.

48.    Liao X.B., Wang C.K., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Chen C.*, Krasner S.W., Suffet I.H.M. Nitrosamine Precursor and DOM Control in a Wastewater-Impacted Drinking Water. Journal of American Water Works Association. 2014, 106, 7: 307-318.

49.    Chen C.*, Leavey S., Krasner S.W, Suffet I.H.M. Applying Polarity Rapid Assessment Method and Ultrafiltration to Characterize NDMA Precursors in Wastewater Effluents. Water Research. 2014. 57: 115-126.

50.    Zhang X.J., Mi Z.L., Wang Y., Liu S.M. Niu Z.B., Lu P.P., Wang J., Gu J.N., Chen C.* A Red Water Occurrence in Drinking Water Distribution Systems Caused by Changes in Water Source in Beijing, China: Mechanism Analysis and Control Measures. Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering. 2014, 8, 3: 417-426. DOI 10.1007/s11783-013-0558-4

51.    Lu P.P., Zhang X.J., Zhang C.Q., Niu Z.B., Xie S.G., Chen C.* Biostability in distribution systems in one city in southern China: characteristics, modeling and control strategy. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 2014; 26(2):323–331.

52.    Feng S., Chen C., Wang Q.F., Yang Z.Y., Zhang X.J., Xie S.G.* Characterization of microbial communities in a granular activated carbon–sand dual media filter for drinking water treatment. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013,10,5: 917-922.

53.    Feng S., Chen C., Wang Q.F., Yang Z.Y., Zhang X.J., Xie S.G.* Microbial community in a full-scale drinking water biosand filter. Journal of Environmental Biology. 2013, 34, 321-324.

54.    Wang C.K., Zhang X.J., Wang J., Liu S.M., Chen C.*, Xie Y.F. Effects of organic fractions on the formation and control of N-nitrosamine precursors during conventional drinking water treatment processes. Science of the Total Environment. 2013, 449, 295-301

55.    Wang C.K., Zhang X.J., Wang J., Chen C*. Factors controlling N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) formation from dissolved organic matter. Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2013. 7(2): 151-157.

56.    Liao X.B., Chen C., Wang Z., Wan R., Chang C.H., Zhang X.J., Xie S.G. Pyrosequencing analysis of bacterial communities in drinking water biofilters receiving influents of different types. Process Biochemistry. 2013, 48: 703-707.

57.    Lu P.P., Chen C., Wang Q.F., Wang Z., Zhang X.J., Xie S.G. Phylogenetic diversity of microbial communities in real drinking water distribution systems. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering. 2013, 18: 119-124

58.    Liao X.B., Chen C., Zhang X.J., Xie S.G. Changes of biomass and bacterial communities in biological activated carbon filters for drinking water treatment. Process Biochemistry. 2013, 48: 312-316.

59.    Meng F.L., Liu S.M., Ostfeld A, Chen C., Burchard-Levine A. A deterministic approach for optimization of booster disinfection placement and operation for a water distribution system in Beijing. Journal of Hydroinfomatics. 2013, 15, 3: 1042-1058.

60.    Wang C.K., Zhang X.J., Wang J., Chen C*. Characterization of dissolved organic matter as N-nitrosamine precursors based on hydrophobicity, molecular weight and fluorescence. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 2013, 25(1). 85-95.

61.    Liao X.B., X.J. Zhang, J. Wang, C.K. Wang, C. Chen*. Combined conventional and O3-BAC process: a feasible solution for organic matters and antibiotics pollutants in a lake of East China. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 2013. 13, 6: 1470-1477.

62.    Wang C.K., Zhang X.J., Wang J., Chen C*. Detecting N-nitrosamines in water treatment plants and distribution systems in China using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering. 2012, 6(6): 770-777.

63.    Hanigan D., Zhang J.W., Herckes P., Krasner S.W., Chen C., Westerhoff P. Adsorption of N-Nitrosodimethylamine Precursors by Powdered and Granular Activated Carbon. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46 (22), 12630–12639.

64.    Liao X.B., Chen C., Chang C.H., Wang Z., Zhang X.J., Xie S.G. Heterogeneity of microbial community structures inside the up-flow biological activated carbon (BAC) filters for the treatment of drinking water. Biotechnol Bioprocess Eng. 2012, 17: 881–886.

65.    Feng S., Zhang X.J., Wang Q.F., Wan R., Chen C., Xie S.G. Heterogeneity of ammonia-oxidizing community structures in a pilot-scale drinking water biofilter. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2012, 70: 148-152.

66.    Chen Y.Q., Chen C.*, Zhang X.J., Zheng Q., Liu Y.Y. Inactivation of persistent Mycobacteria mucogenicum in water: chlorine resistance and mechanism analysis. Biomed. Environ. Sci. 2012, 25(2): 230-237.

67.    Du P.F., Chen J.N., Chen C., Liu Y., Liu J.G., Wang H.T., Zhang X.J. Environmental risk evaluation to minimize impacts within the area affected by the Wenchuan earthquake. Science of the Total Environment. 2012, 419: 16-24.

68.    Feng S., Xie S.G., Zhang X.J., Yang Z.Y., Ding W., Liao X.B., Liu Y.Y., Chen C.* Ammonium removal pathways and microbial community in GAC-sand dual media filter in drinking water treatment. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 2012, 24(8): 1-8.

69.    Li Y.H., Wang J., Zhang W., Zhang X. J., Chen C.* Effect of Powdered Activated Carbon on Immersed Hollow Fiber Ultrafiltration Membrane Fouling Caused by Particles and Natural Organic Matter. Desalination. 2011, 278, 1-3: 443-446

70.    Li Y.H., Wang J., Zhang W., Zhang X. J., Chen C.* Effects of coagulation on submerged ultrafiltration membrane fouling caused by particles and natural organic matter. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56, 6:584-590.

71.    Zhang, X. J., Chen, C.*, Lin, P.F., Hou A.X., Niu Z.B., Wang J. Emergency Drinking Water Treatment during Source Water Pollution Accidents in China: Origin Analysis, Framework and Technologies. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 1: 161-167.

72.    Chen C. *, Zhang X.J., Zhu L.X., He W.J., Han H.D. Changes in different organic matter fractions during conventional treatment followed by advanced treatment. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 2011, 23, 4: 582-586.

73.    Zhang W., Zhang X.J., Li Y.H., Wang J., Chen C.*. Membrane flux dynamic in the submerged ultrafiltration hybrid treatment process when removing particles and natural organic matter. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 2011, 23, 12: 1970-1976.

74.    Zhang X.J., Chen C. *, Ding J.Q., Hou A.X., Li Y., Niu Z.B., Su X.Y., Xu Y.J., Laws E. The 2007 water crisis in Wuxi, China: analysis of the origin. Journal of Hazardous Material. 2010, 182, 130-135. 高被引论文

75.    Y. H. Li, W Zhang, X. J. Zhang, C. Chen*, J. Wang. Characterization of fouling in immersed polyvinylidence fluoride hollow fibre membrane ultrafiltration by particles and natural organic matter. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2010 18: 309-314.

76.    Li Y, Zhang X, Chen C. Reviews on Analytical Technologies of Sulfur Odorants in Water with Chromatography. Progress in Chemistry. 2009. 21(12):2718-2725.(李勇,张晓健,陈超.水中微量含硫类致嗅物质的色谱分析测试技术[J].化学进展, 2009,12:2718-2725)

77.    Zhang X.J., Chen C.*. Emergency drinking water treatment in source water pollution incident: Technology and practice in China. Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering in China. 2009, 3(3):364-368.

78.    Wang, Y, Zhang, XJ, Feng S, Chen C. Study on inactivation of iron bacteria isolated from real drinking water distribution systems by free chlorine and chloramine. Annals of Microbiology, 2009, 59 (2): 353-358.

79.    Chen C.*, Zhang X.J., Zhu L., Liu J., He W., Han H. Disinfection by-products and their precursors in a water treatment plant in north China: seasonal changes and fraction analysis. Science of the Total Environment. 2008, 397: 140-147.

80.    S. B. Xie, J. Yang, C. Chen, X. J. Zhang, Q. L. Wang, C. Zhang. Study on biosorption kinetics and thermodynamics of uranium by Citrobacter freudii. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 2008. 99, 1, 126-133 .

81.    Zhang X. J., Chen C. *, and Wang Y. Synergetic inactivation of microorganisms by short-term free chlorination and subsequent monochloramination in drinking water disinfection. Biomed. Environ. Sci. 2007, 20:373-380.

82.    Chen C. *, Zhang X.J., He W.J., and Han H.D. Comparison of seven kinds of drinking water treatment processes to enhance organic material removal: a pilot test. Science of the Total Environment. 2007, 382: 93-102.

83.    Chen C. *, Zhang X. J., He W. J., and Han H. D. Simultaneous Control of Microorganisms, Disinfection By-products by Sequential Chlorination. Biomed. Environ. Sci. 2007, 20:119-125.

84.    C. Chen*, X. J. Zhang, Y. Wang, L. Zhu and J. Liu. Waste water disinfection during SARS epidemic: aiming for microbiological and toxicological control. Biomed. Environ. Sci., 2006, 19: 173-178.

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